
and the that for The business are was firm with market product from management its more their the c which organization products can firms has they but customers people have first marketing value not ing such businesses his will than customer production leadership new and a because strategy This the first this make out about growth one them consumers may risk start quality through financial However used were time term with t USA between example competitive change Business managers able culture employees intO per where tO most industry See brand advantage made development sales design based when should being research thinking cash need FOCUS


C 種 S 10 0 C S 頂訂 SMALL, THINK BIG S 預訂 G 0 聞 OW 損 G THE BUSINESS 58 62 Without continuous growth and progress, success has no meaning If you believe in something, work nights and weekends ー it won't feel like work The weightless start-up 20 22 24 28 If you can dream it, you can dO it Beating the 0dds at start-up There's a gap in the market, but is there a market in the gap? Finding a profitable niche You can learn all you need tO know about the competition's operation by looking in his garbage cans Study the competition The secret Of business iS tO know something that nobody else knows Stand out in the market 32 40 42 43 44 46 48 52 Be first or be better Gaining an edge Put all your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket Managing risk Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get Reinventing and adapting continue tO shed its skin organism; it has tO A corporation iS a living practice Keep evolving business be broken they are t00 heavy tO light tO be felt until Chains of habit are t00 From entrepreneur tO leader enable people t0 excel The role of the C 甦 0 is to HOW fast tO grow created suddenly Nothing great is Take the second step advancing forward maintain stability while Broaden your vision, and Luck (and how t0 get lucky) リ GH 引冊 THE FIRE LEADERSHIP 0 M RESOURCES 68 10 12 14 16 Managers dO things right, leaders dO the right thing Leading well None Of iS as smart as all of us The value of teams lnnovation must be invasive and perpetual: everyone, everywhere, all of the time Creativity and invention Dissent adds spice, spirit, and an invigorating quality Beware the yes-men NO great manager or leader ever fell from heaven GOds Of management

18 80 86 88 90 92 ま只ま只ま只ま只 A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way Effective leadership Teamwork is the fuel that allows C01 mon people tO attain Ⅱ IICOI 一 on results Orgamzing teams and talent Leaders allow great people t0 dO the work they were born tO dO Make the most 0f your talent The way forward may not be tO go forward Thinking outside the box The more person can dO, the 1 ore you can motivate them ls money the motivator? Be an enzyme ー a catalyst for change Changing the game 112 114 115 Management iS a practice where art, science, and craft meet Mintzberg's management roles A camel iS a horse designed by committee AVOid groupthink The art of thinking independently, together The value of diversity 1 側 The worst disease that afflicts executives iS egotism Hubris and nemesis 104 CuIture is the way in which a group Of people intelligence D evelop emotion al heart and head is the intersection Of 110 Emotional intelligence Organizational culture solves problems 9 MAKING MONEY WORK MANAGING FINANCES shareholders are our own 130 The interests Of the Making money from money 128 Borrow short, lend long lnvestment and dividends back t0 you redoubled it bears interest, it comes 126 If wealth is placed where Profit before perks be free from avarice Executive officers must business Play by the rules involved in a fraudulent 120 Do not let yourself be 124 governance Accountability and 132 Make the best quality Of goods at the lowest cost, paying the highest wages possible Your workers are your customers 138 Utilize OPM ー Other People's Money Who bears the risk? Swim upstream. GO the other way. lgnore the conventional wisdom lgnoring the herd 150 Debt is the worst poverty Leverage and excess risk 152 Cash is king Profit versus cash flow 154 OnIy when the tide goes out dO you discover WhO'S been swimming naked Off-balance-sheet risk Return on equity is a financial goal that can become an own goal Maximize return on equity 156 As the role of private equity has grown, SO have the risks it poses The private equity model 158 Assign costs according tO the resources consumed Activity-based costing 155 146

WORKING WITH A VISION STRATEGY 0 OP 田町冊 NS 164 Turn every disaster into an opportunity Learning from failure 166 If I had asked people what 184 The essence of strategy Porter's generic strategies the middle 118 Don't get caught in Small is beautiful and a part-time person company, just a computer 112 You don't need a huge Protect the core business thing is the main thing remember iS, the main 110 The main thing to Lead ing the m arket have said faster horses they wanted, they would G00d and bad strategy is choosing what れ Ot tO dO 186 Synergy and other lies Why takeovers disappoint The Chinese word is composed Of tWO characters: "danger ” and "opportunity CriSiS management 190 YO 収 can't grow long-term if you can't eat short-term Balancing long- versus short-termism Market Attractiveness, Business Attractiveness The MABA matrix 194 OnIy the paranoid survive Avoiding complacency 202 To excel, tap into people's capacity tO learn The learning organization 208 The future of business is selling less Of more The long tail TO be an optimist . have a contingency plan for when all hell breaks 100Se Contingency planning Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable Scenario planning The strongest competitive forces determine the profitability Of an industry Porter's five forces 216 If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete The value chain 192 188 212 211 210 If you don't know where you are, a map won't help The capability maturity model Chaos brings uneasiness, but it also allows for creativity and growth Coping with chaos 222 Always do what is right. lt will gratify half of mankind and astonish the other Morality in business 223 There is no such thing as a minor lapse in integrity C ollu s ion 224 Make it easier to do the right thing and much harder to do the wrong thing Creating an ethical culture 220 218 S 阯リ冊 SUCCESSFUL MARKETING MANAGEMENT The AIDA model Desire, Action 242 Attention, lnterest, Understanding the market them and sells itself well that the product fits Know the customer SO The m arketing model marketing department important tO leave tO the 232 Marketing is far t00 234

244 Marketing myopia Focus on the future market 250 The cash co is the beating heart Of the organization Product portfolio 256 Expanding away from your core has risks; diversification doubles them Ansoff's matrix 258 If you're different, you will stand out Creating a brand 264 There is only one boss: the customer Make your customers love you 268 Whitewashing, but with a green brush Greenwash 210 PeopIe want companies tO believe in something beyond maximizing profits The appeal 0f ethics 211 Everybody likes something extra for nothing Promotions and incentives 212 ln good times people want to advertise; in bad times they have tO Why advertise? 214 Make your thinking as funny as possible Generating buzz 216 E-commerce is becoming 1 れ obile commerce M-commerce 218 Trying tO predict the future is like driving with no lights looking out of the back window Forecasting 280 Product, Place, Price, Promotion Marketing mix POST - 0 側 C 田 0 聞 C 引皿 0 GOODS 0 阯Ⅳ田 G THE Applying and testing ideas go hand in hand Learning and innovation Kaizen together t0 add value and people should work 302 Machines, facilities, Juran's production ideal gold in the mine elimination Of waste iS 300 Every gain through the steps Simplify processes Eliminate unnecessary FuIfilling demand make a bigger pie 294 If the pie's not big enough, Lean production be reduced calculated. Costs exist tO 290 Costs dO not exist tO be Maximize customer benefits a dollar little, yo 収 can give for 288 See how much, not how 310 四 6 312 Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source Of learning Feedback and innovation 314 TechnoIogy is the great growling engine Of change The right technology 316 Without big data, you are blind and deaf and in the middle Of a freeway B enefitting from " big data" Put the product intO the customer's hands ー it will speak for itself Quality sells 324 The desire tO own something a little better, a little sooner than necessary Planned obsolescence Time iS money Time-based management 328 A project without a critical path is like a ship without a rudder Critical path analysis 330 Taking the best from the best Benchmarking 326 318 332 340 344 351 0 旧印 TORY GLOSSARY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

344 INDEX bold refer Numbers in tO main entries accountancy and playing by the rules 120 ー 23 see alSO business ethics; financial strategy adaptation see business adaptation and growth advertising 272 ー 73 big data analysis 316 ー 17 and brand creation 260 ー 61 see alSO marketing agile software development (ASD) 327 AIDA marketing model 242 ー 43 Air lndia 314 ー 15 Amazon 34 ー 36 39 174 , 175 , 209 , see alSO strategic planning Ansoff's matrix 256 ー 57 Anderson, Chris 208 ー 09 240 , 267 , 317 Avis 248 Sydney Opera House 329 CrimTrac system 315 Australia ASOS 275 Arkwright, Richard 166 ー 67 Argyris, Chris 206 ー 07 Aracruz 129 Aquinas, Thomas 224 ー 25 168 iPod and iTunes 29 ー 30 , 55 , 96 ー 97 249 , 266 , 325 iPhone 29 , 38 , 97 148-49 , 168 , 196 , iPad 97 ー 98 149 , 241 Apple 37 , 96 ー 99 , 12Z 191 Barnes & Noble 198 Barratt, Thomas 273 Barton, Bruce 272-73 Bass, Frank 233 Belbin, Meredith 82 84 Ben & Jerry's ice cream 183 Bench 283 Benetton 217 Bennis, Warren 69 , 86 , 87 Bernays, Edward 273 Berners-Lee, Tim 174 177 Bezos, Jeff 39 63 , 99 , 174 , 267 black swan events and future and advertising 260 ー 61 brand C reation BP 41 , 200 ー 01 Boston Consulting Group 252 ー 55 Bose Systems 181 Borden, Neil 281 , 283 The Body Shop 262 , 263 forecasting 198 British Airways 223 , 248 ー 49 British Aerospace (BAe) 148 Brin, Sergey 174 Branson, Richard 60, 320 , 334 brand loyalty 35 ー 36 , 98 , 322 261 ー 62 unique selling proposition (USP) translatable brands 261 "third place" concept 262 ー 63 and social media 263 and ethics 263 differentiation and focus strategies 182 Buffet, Warren 49 , 129 , 144 , 147 , 149 155 business adaptation and growth business practice, evolution 0f 48 ー 51 capability maturity model 218 ー 19 enablers and enterprise capabilities 49 ー 50 business adaptation and growth ( &O 月亡 ) Greiner curve 47 , 58 ー 61 growth rate, deciding on 44 ー 45 growth-share matrix and product portfolio 253 ー 55 learning organization 204 ー 07 long-term survival 57 over-expansion dangers 45 process adaptation 55 ー 57 recession and adaptation 56 ー 57 self-financeable growth rate (SFG) 44 ー 45 shareholders see shareholders sustainability 31 , 45 50 ー 51 , 57 technological change 54 ー 55 ViSion broadening and realization 43 , 50 see alSO leadership; management; Carnegie, Andrew 40 ー 41 213 220 ー 21 chaos theory, and financial crises Caterpillar 123 Cadbury 171 , 193 price-fixing and collusion 223 122 ー 23 ・ mark tO market" accounting legal standards 226 leadership 226 ー 27 greenwashing 268 ー 69 122 ー 23 "creative accountancy practices and brand creation 263 appeal 0f 270 120 ー 23 accountancy and playing by the rules 130 ー 31 accountability and governance business ethics 222 , 224 ー 27 marketing; strategic planning

China, economic development 134 ー benchmarking 330 ー 31 c omp etitive adva ntage Collins, Jim 101 ー 03 276 Coca-Cola 165 260 , 265 , 271 , 272 , Civita, Roberto 334 Citroén 313 Cisco Systems 71 334 Christensen, Clayton 94 ー 95 96 , 99 , Chowdhury, Subir 334 36 154 , 279 197 ー 98 IOX (major) change, awareness Of "5-why" technique 199 complacency avoidance and waste reduction 301 and price-fixing 222 ー 23 239 and organizational culture 108 competitiveness strategic planning see alSO innovation; marketing, value chain 216 ー 19 36 ー 37 technical and product superiority SWOT analysis 25 ー 27 184 substitutes, threat of 214 start-up phase 24 ー 27 and secondary activities 217 market mapping 26 ー 27 192-93 business attractiveness) framework MABA (market attractiveness/ lnternet business 34 ー 36 176 Five Strategic Forces model 212-15 36-37 first-mover mistakes, learning from considerations 37 ー 39 first-mover advantage, timing innovation 94 ー 96 first-mover advantage, and disruptive first-mover advantage 34 ー 36 failure, dealing with 98 ー 99 and customer service 249 38 ー 39 customer needs, understanding creativity and invention 72 ー 73 and copycat products 148 ー 49 and brand loyalty 35 ー 36 , 98 , 322 complacency avoidance ( 月 black swan events and futu re forecasting 198 catastrophe, averting 200—01 complementary products 197 front line, importance Of listening tO 198 ー 99 thinking outside the box 199 ー 200 see alSO riSk management; strategic planning corporate culture see organizational culture Covey, Stephen 131 , 225 , 226 crisis management 59 ー 6() , 102 , 188 ー 89 strategy see alSO financial crises; financial and leverage 150 ー 51 borrowing and lending 128-29 debt levels Dawkins, Richard 275 DaimIerChrysIer 115 , 187 Daewoo Group 153 and quality provision 322 ー 23 needs, understanding 38 ー 39 136 ー 37 238 ー 39 fragmentation and micromarkets 176 ー 77 , 312-13 feedback and lnternet business (CRM) 240 customer relationship marketing and competitive advantage 249 181 choice, and business strategy 180 327 agile software development (ASD) customer service 265 ー 67 product quality, importance 0f online challenges 267 offering more for less 288 ー 89 loyalty schemes 267 Likert scale 266 customer loyalty 264 ー 67 see alSO leadership; management INDEX 345 Dell 149 , 295 , 298 wage levels and turnover 134 ー 35 development motivation 205-06 staff turnover and learning and staff empowerment 79 , 86 ー 87 306 ー 07 206 satisfaction, and productivity 136 ー 37 , learning organization 204-07 304 ー 09 kaizen and efficiency improvement culture 108 jOb satisfaction and organizational 90 ー 91 jOb satisfaction and "hygiene factors" management 137 , 304 ー 06 involvement, and participative 220 ー 21 involvement, and chaos management 198 ー 99 front line, importance Of listening tO 142-43 firm failures and riSk management migration 205 developing countries, labour employe es see alSO marketing 29 ー 30 , 31 Emotional Selling propositions (ESP) emotional intelligence 110 ー 11 Eisenhardt, Kathleen 335 eBay 63 , 98 174 ー 75 , 338 easyJet 47 , 261 263 e-commerce see lnternet business Dyson 38 , 164 , 261 Dutch East lndia Company 127 Dunkerton, Julian 122 DuPont 328 一 29 237 , 240 ー 41 , 252 ー 53 , 279 , 323 Drucker, Peter 69 , 109 , 126 , 130 , 199 , Dr Martens shoes 56 Deming, W Edwards 49 , 51 , 323 stock management 294 ー 95 lean production 290 ー 93 307 ー 08 demand

346 INDEX Enron 142 , 150 , 154 , 227 entrepreneurship 20, 21 , 43 , 46 ー 47 micropreneurism, start-up phase 63 see alSO start-ups equity and performance cost-cutting measures 125 opportunistic behaviour by directors 125 ownership, control and personal gain 124 ー 27 return on equity (ROE), maximizing 155 risk assessment 142 ー 43 , 156 ー 57 see alSO organizational culture; shareholders Estée Lauder 321 ethics see business ethics executive OffiC ers accountability and governance 130 ー 31 customers and staff, awareness Of needs 136 ー 37 and perks 124 ー 27 risk management 143 ー 44 travel expenses and cost-cutting measures 125 see alSO leadership ; management Facebook 37 , 72 ー 73 89 FaYOl, Henri 78 , 112 , 335 Ferguson, Sir Alex 84 ー 85 Fernandes, Tony" 21 Ferrari 182 , 331 financial crises and chaos theory 220 ー 21 contingency planning 210 global credit crisis 102 , 125 , 129 Japan 144-45 leverage and debt 150 ー 51 OiI crises and scenario planning 211 and risk management 151 , 154 financial strategy accountancy and playing by the rules 120 ー 23 financial strategy ( 〇月リ activity-based accounting 159 borrowing and lending 128-29 capital management, MABA (market attractiveness/ business attractivene s s) framework 192 ー 93 cost accounting 158 ー 59 employee wage levels and employee turnover 134 ー 35 gain as motivation 90 ー 91 hedge betting 128-29 lnternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 121 ー 22 123 investment and dividends 126 ー 27 and marketing 134 ー 37 price-fixing and competitiveness 222 ー 23 , 239 risk, and other people's money 140 ー 45 shadow banks 129 see also profit levels; shareholders; strategic planning first-mover advantage see under competitive adva ntage Five Strategic Forces model 212 ー 15 "5-why" technique, and complacency avoidance 199 Ford, Henry 78 , 99 , 136 , 166 ー 67 246 , 290 一 91 Ford Motors 134 ー 35 247 , 288 ー 89 , 297 ー 98 Four Ps and marketing mix concept 280 ー 83 see alSO marketi ng FuId, Richard 102 , 143 , 145 future forecasting, and black swan events 198 Gates, Bill 238 , 335 Geneen, Harold 186 , 187 General Electric (GE) 129 190 , 191 GE-McKinsey matrix 192 ー 93 255 General Motors (GM) 144 , 155 247 , 325 Gerber 189 Getty, Jean PauI 75 Ghemawat, Pankaj 335 Ghoshal, Sumantra 335 Ghosn, Carlos 79 GiIIette 35 36 , 168 , 171 GlowC ap 95 Goleman, Daniel 110 ー 11 Google 34 , 36 ー 37 72 ー 73 , 87 , 174 249 276 , 300 Gores, Alec 157 GPS technology 311 Greiner, Larry 47 , 58 ー 61 Grove, Andy 102 , 196 ー 99 200, 201 growth see business adaptation and growth Hamel, Gary 171 , 256 , 335 Hammer, Michael 49 ー 50 51 Handy, CharIes 76 ー 77 143 , 300 hedge betting 128-29 see alSO financial strategy Herzberg, Frederick 87 , 90 ー 91 306 Hess, Edward 45 Hill, Emma 73 Hofstede, Geert 106 ー 08 109 Honda 120 ー 21 , 127 , 206 307-08 Hoover 38 271 Hornby 295 Humphrey, Albert 25 , 27 Humphrey, Watts S 218-19 Hyundai 289 IBM 107 , 109 , 253 IKEA 30 , 262 , 336 lndia, economic growth 135 ー 36 lnnocent 108 , 262 innovation collaboration and creativity, encouragement 0f 71 , 206 ー 07 and differentiation strategy 183 181 ー 82

innovation ( 〇月リ and diversity management 115 and invention 72 ー 73 kaizen and efficiency improvement 304 ー 09 learning from failure 164-65 nine-dots puzzle 88-89 open 312 ー 13 patent wars and first-mover advant age 36 production improvement 296 ー 99 solutions and knowing what the customer wants 241 thinking outside the box 88 ー 89 see alSO competitive advantage; market leaders; R&D lnstagram 41 lntel 102 , 196 ー 97 201 lnternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 121 ー 22 123 lnternet business as IOX (major) change 197-98 big data analysis 316 ー 17 brand creation see brand creation competitive advantage 34 ー 36 176 customer loyalty challenges 267 customer relationship marketing (CRM) 240 e-commerce 34 ー 36 , 174 ー 76 e-commerce and AIDA marketing model 243 and feedback 176-77 , 312 ー 13 "Long Tail" theory 208 ー 09 mobile commerce 276 ー 77 niche marketing 177 personal service, importance Of 177 small is beautiful 174 ー 77 SUPPIY barriers, removal 0f 209 see alSO social media; technological change investment see financial strategy Japan earthquakes and contingency planning 210 Japan ( 〇月リ economic crisis 144 ー 45 kaizen, and efficiency improvement 304 ー 09 JCB 191 Jobs, Steve 73 , 94 95 , 97 , 99 , 103 , 127 , 149 , 168 , 241 , 298 Johnson, John H 99 , 335 ー 36 Johnson & Johnson 38 ー 39 189 Jupiter Shopping Channel 157 Juran, Joseph 3()0—()1, 336 kaizen, and efficiency improvement credibility, importance Of 79 cost-leadership strategy 180 ー 83 charismatic 78 ー 79 chaos management 220 ー 21 behavioural management 74 ー -75 leadership Lauder, Estée 336 Kraft Foods 193 Kotter, John 46 , 69 , 336 336 Kotler, PhiIip 29 , 243 , 248 , 249 , 283 , Kodak 184 , 185 Kidston, Cath 50, 51 Kellogg's 311 Kay, JOhn 127 Kanter, Rosabeth Moss 336 Kamprad, lngvar 336 304 ー 09 qualities 68 , 69 personality traits 111 ethical 226 ー 27 emotional intelligence 110 ー 11 egotism, dangers 0f 1()0—03 effective 78 ー 79 188 ー 89 crisis management 59 ー 60 , 102 INDEX 341 leadership (cont) skills, and business growth 46 ー 47 staff empowerment 79 , 86 ー 87 306 ー 07 successor training 69 yes-men, dangers 0f 74 ー 75 see alSO executive officers; management; organizational culture, business adaptation and growth; teamwork learning organization 204 ー 07 Lee Kun-Hee 51 , 56 , 57 Lehman Brothers 102 , 143 , 145 , 154 Levitt, Theodore 29 , 180 , 246 ー 48 , 249 Likert scale, customer loyalty 266 "Long Tail" theory 208 ー 09 loyalty see brand loyalty; customer loyalty lysine cartel 223 MABA (market attractiveness/ business attractiveness) framework 192 ー 93 McCarthy, Edmund Jerome 281 ー 82 McDonald's 24 ー 25 , 30 ー 31 56 , 91 , 171 , 295 McKinsey matrix (General Electric) 192 ー 93 255 Made-by 227 Madoff, Bernard 153 management accountability and governance 130 ー 31 arrogance leading tO indiscipline 102 change management and information technology (IT) 314 ー 15 chaos management 220 ー 21 club culture 76 , 77 complacency avoidance see complacency avoidance consultants, and innovation 88-89 crisis management 59 ー 6() , 102 , 188 ー 89 effective 68 ー 69 , 112 ー 13

348 INDEX management ( åO 月亡 ) egotism, dangers 0f 100—03 experience, and business practice 48-49 failure, learning from 164 ー 65 groupthink, avoiding 114 kaizen and efficiency improvement 304 ー 09 long- versus short-termism 190 ー 91 middle management 49 ー 50 , 51 Mintzberg's management roles 47 , 112 ー 13 participative management 137 project management, critical path analysis 328 ー 29 public and private companies, time-based 326 ー 27 stylistic typologies 76 , 77 306 ー 07 staff empowerment 79 , 86 ー 87 management risk management see risk qualities 69 contrast between 191 financial strategy 134 ー 37 30 ー 31 familiarity as source Of differentiation 29 ー 30 31 Emotional SeIIing Propositions (ESP) understanding 236 ー 39 customers' needs and preferences, and customer service 246 ー 49 (CRM) 240 customer relationship marketing leaders 169 customer perception and market (CEM) 240 customer experience management brand champions 275 big data analysis 316 ー 17 Bass Model 233 AIDA model 242-43 marketing Manchester United 143 te am. work leadership; organizational culture, growth; executive officers; see alSO business adaptation and marketing ( 〇月リ focused 236 ー 41 four Ps and marketing mix concept 280 ー 83 functional uniqueness, elusive nature of 29 market gaps 22 ー 23 market leaders 166-69 market mapping 26 ー 27 market research 239 ー 40 Measurement Models 233 myopia 246-48 neuromarketing 240 ー 41 niche markets 22 ー 23 177 , 180 , 182 MySpace 89 Murdoch, Rupert 337 222 multinationals and profit shifting MuIberry 73 Muji 263 Mourinho, José 69 Motorola 50 51 Morita, Akio 311 , 337 morality see business ethiCS see alSO lnternet business mobile commerce 276 ー 77 Mintzberg, Henry 47 , 112 ー 13 Microsoft 215 MerriII Lynch 110 186 ー 87 mergers and takeovers 60-61 Mera, Rosalie 337 Mayo, EIton 70, 112 , 337 Matsushita, Konosuke 336 ー 37 MasIow, Abraham 70 ー 71 73 Marks & Spencer (M&S) 201 advantage adaptation and growth; competitive see alSO advertising; business word-of-mouth 274 ー 75 31 uniqueness, maintaining 30, 167 ー 68 technological advantage strategies 232 ー 33 stand-out 28-31 sales forecasting 278 ー 79 psychographic profiling 239 promotions and incentives 271 Ohno, Taiichi 292 ー 93 , 338 OIiver, Jamie 59 Olympus cameras 131 154 Omidyar, Pierre 98 174 ー 75 , 338 organizational culture arrogance problems 108 benefits of 108 capability maturity model (CMM) 218 一 19 collectivist and individualist cultures, differences between 75 , 107 competitiveness see competitiveness corporate governance and accountability 130 ー 31 cultural dimensions 106 ー 08 groupthink problems 108 hierarchy and power 106-07 and jOb satisfaction 108 learning organization 204 ー 07 long- versus short-term orientation 107 ー 08 masculinity and femininity, differences between 107 non-static nature Of 109 organizational dynamics 76 ー 77 Nayar, Vineet 47 , 337 Nestlé 62 , 254 ー 55 273 NestIé, Heinrich 337 Netflix 55 ー 56 209 , 317 new entrants see start-ups Nike 29 , 108 , 275 nine-dots puzzle 88 ー 89 see alSO innovation Nintendo 89 Nissan 79 313 , 326 Nokia 148 ー 49 184 , 276 , 309 Nooyi, lndra 338 Nordstrom 267 NOt on the High Street 177

organizational culture ( 〇月亡 ) riSk management see riSk management Shamrock Organization theory 77 tolerant 74 ー 75 visual aspects 108 see alSO equity and performance; leadership; management; shareholders Paccar 215 Page, Larry 174 Pears soap 273 performance, and equity see equity and performance Peters, Tom 55 , 221 298 , 307 , Prahalad, C K 171 , 256 , 338 Post-it Notes 42 , 165 212 ー 15 , 218 ー 19 Porter, Michael 180 ー 82 184 , 197 , Ponzi schemes 153 Pixar 83 338 improvement and innovation portfolio 253 ー 55 growth-share matrix and product distribution system 239 direct-selling 298 ー 99 custom production 298 252 ー 55 cash COW and product assessment (BPR) programmes 308-09 Business Process Re-engineering production 89 , 233 , 260 , 273 Procter and Gamble 38 ー 39 72 ー 73 , Primark 136 ー 37 222 ー 23 , 239 price-fixing, and competitiveness 296 ー 99 lean production 290 ー 93 307 ー 08 mass production 297 一 98 new features, promotion Of 325 production ( 〇月亡 ) planned obsolescence 324 ー 25 and business ethics 122 ー 23 profit levels see alSO waste reduction time-based management 326 ー 27 326 ー 27 simultaneous engineering 320 ー 23 quality products and design 37 ー 38 technological change 36 , product superiority and loyalty 265 ー 67 product quality and customer process simplification 296 ー 99 pushing t0 highest feasible point 222 ー 23 239 price-fixing and competitiveness 222 multinationals and profit shifting quality Progressive Corp. 316 ー 17 see alSO financial strategy versus cash flow 152 ー 53 stock management 294 ー 95 maximization 124 一 25 , 237 ー 38 shareholders and profit re-investing profits 301 266 ー 67 quality and premium prices 121 TOtaI QuaIity Management 56 322 ー 23 provision and customer service products and value analysis 323 products and design 320 ー 23 change 36 , 37 ー 38 product superiority and technological 265-67 product quality and customer loyalty and premium prices 266 ー 67 308 circles and teamwork 305 ー 06 INDEX 349 strategic management see alSO complacency avoidance; unconsolidated subsidiaries 154 firms 144-45 taxpayer bailouts and too-big-to-fail start-ups 20 ー 21 , 41 shareholders 140 ー 41 , 144 , 145 scenario planning 211 sales forecasting 278-79 155 return on equity (ROE), maximizing pre-pack administration 141 ー 42 organizational culture organizational culture see off-balance-sheet risk 154 micropreneurism 63 leverage and debt levels 150 ー 51 and learning organization 207 and income inequality 145 money 140 ー 45 financial risk and other people's and financial crises 151 , 154 feedback, relevance of 109 executives and CEOs 143 ー 44 156-57 equity and performance 142 ー 43 , employees, and firm failures 142 ー 43 diversification 257 contingency planning 210 capability maturity model 218 ー 19 forecasting 198 black swan events and future bankruptcy, protection against 141 ー 42 risk management 40 ー 41 , 157 Reeves, Rosser 29 , 31 Ratners 238 see alSO innovation re-investing profits 301 multidisciplinary aspect 311 and market research 310 ー 11 183 and differentiation strategy 181 ー 82 big data analysis 316 ー 17 applying and testing ideas 310 一 11 R&D

350 Rockefeller, J D 164 ー 65 222 Roddick, Anita 262 263 Rover 307 ー 08 Royal Bank 0f Sc0tland 74 , 127 RoyaI Dutch ShelI 211 Rumelt, Richard 184 , 185 Ryan, Arthur 137 Ryanair 182 ー 83 Samsung 31 , 38 , 51 , 56 ー 57 321 一 22 , 325 Selfridges 265 ー 66 267 Semco 137 Senge, Peter 204 ー 05 , 206 , 207 144 crowdsourcing 313 and crisis management 188 social media Snapple 23 Smith, Adam 124 , 180 , 218 219 Sloan, Alfred 339 Slim Helü, Carlos 338 ー 39 Singapore Airlines (SIA) 183 Siemens 62 , 95 ー 96 Shingo, Shigeo 291 ー 92 culture financial strategy; organizational see also equity and performance; share certificates, first 127 share buybacks 155 risk management 140 ー 41 144 , 145 public limited companies 191 237 ー 38 and profit maximization 124 ー 25 , private limited companies 125 development, start-ups 60 ー 61 pressure and partnership herd instinct, ignoring 146 ー 49 dividends 126 ー 27 customer priority, importance Of 238 and corporate accountability 130-31 bull market 121 146 ー 47 boom and bust markets 146 ー 47 shareholders see alSO organizational culture Shamrock Organization theory 77 social media ( 月亡 ) websites 54 57 word-of-mouth marketing see alSO lnternet business; technological change Sony 168 , 307 , 311 , 337 Speedo 27 Spotify 61 Starbucks 262 start-ups bureaucracy and red tape 274 ー 75 60 business expansion 43 ー 45 business plan 21 commitment Of time and effort 62 ー 63 competitive advantage see competitive advantage crisis of control 60 focus strategy 182 44 ー 45 self-financeable growth rate (SFG) risk management 20 ー 21 , 41 opportunism, and luck 42 threat to 214 ー 15 new entrants, strategic planning micropreneurism 63 Long Tail benefits 209 58 ー 59 growth crises and Greiner Curve shareholder pressure and partnership MABA (market attractiveness/ industry positioning 215 focus strategy 180 , 182 Five Strategic Forces model 212 ー 15 differentiation strategy 181 ー 82 , 183 critical path analysis 328 ー 29 crisis management 188 ー 89 cost-leadership strategy 180-83 core business protection 170-71 and consumer choice 180 , 181 chaos theory 220 ー 21 buyer power 214 Ansoff's matrix 256 ー 57 strategic planning 184 ー 85 Stevens, Brooks 339 see alSO entrepreneurship development 60— 61 outsourcing 171 new entrants, threat tO 214 ー 15 192 ー 93 business attractiveness) framework strategic planning ( 〇月リ secondary interests, selling off 171 statements and actions, differences between 198 ー 99 strategic inflection point 196 ー 97 200—01 substitutes, threat of 214 supplier power 214 takeover bids 148 see alSO business adaptation and growth ; comp etitive advantage ; complacency avoidance; financial strategy; risk management Superdry 30, 45 , 122 sustainability 31 , 45 50 一 51 , 57 see also business adaptation and growth Swiss Pocket Knife 200 SWOT analysis 25 ー 27 184 T-systems lnternational 125 Tata Group 108 , 131 308 Taylor, Frederick WinsIow 159 teamwork and anomie 70, 71 BeIbin Team lnventory 82 , 84 benefits 82 collaboration and creativity, encouragement Of 71 , 206 ー 07 collective work products 85 effectiveness factors 83 ー 84 group dynamics (groupthink) 114 , 115 groups and sense Of belonging 70 ー 71 and learning organization 205 quality circles 305 ー 06 308 storming and norming 82 ー 83 talent management 84 ー 85 time-based management 326 ー 27 see alSO leadership; management technological change Apple see Apple business adaptation, importance Of 54 ー 55

technological change ( 〇月 information technology (IT) 314 ー 17 marketing and technological advantage 167-68 and product superiority 36 , 37 ー 38 see alSO lnternet business; social media Ted Baker 227 terrorism, impact Of 200 Tesco 165 , 181 , 257 TiVo 317 Toffler, Alvin 54 , 339 TotaI QuaIity Management 56 Toyota 44 , 108 , 135 , 155 , 169 , 189 , 199 , 290 ー 93 304 ー 06 Toys R Us 37 , 147 ー 48 Tune Hotels 21 , 29 , 293 TWG Tea 27 ftvitter 22 54 UK bank bailouts 122 pre-pack administration 141 ー 42 UN, BrundtIand Report 269 Unique Selling Proposition (USP) 29 , 31 USA family spending pattern 135 ー 36 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) 122 , 123 value analysis kaizen and efficiency improvement 304 ー 06 and lean production 290 ー 93 30 た 08 and quality products 323 value chain and competitive advantage 216 ー 19 Victorinox 200 VIS10n brand creation 261 ー 62 broadening and realization 43 , 50 crisis management 188 ー 89 and leadership see leadership shared, and learning organization 204 ー 05 V01kswagen 301 324 351 Wa ト Mart 265 , 279 Wang, Cher 339 waste reduction and competitiveness 301 Juran's production ideal 300—01, 336 lean production 290 ー 93 307 一 08 see alSO production Wedgwood 308 WeIch, Jack 69 , 75 , 190 , 191 206 , 216 Wikipedia 313 and payday loans 123 XYZ Xerox 331 Yang Yuanqing 339 Zappos 267 Zara 283 Zhang Xin 339 Zhang Yin 47 Zurich lnsurance Group 322 ー 23


DK SENIOR EDITOR Sam Atkinson PROJECT ART EDITOR Amy Child EDITORS ScarIett O'Hara, AIison Sturgeon PICTURE RESEARCHER Sumedha Chopra MANAGING EDITOR E sther Ripley MANAGING ART EDITOR Karen S elf PUB LISHER Sarah Larter ART DIRECTOR Phil Ormerod ASSOCIATE PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Liz Wheeler PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Jonathan Metc alf LONDON, NEW YORK, MELBOURNE, MUNICH, AND DELHI JACKET DESIGNER Laura Brim JACKET EDITOR Manisha Maj ithia JACKET DESIGN DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Sophia Tamp akopoulos ILLUSTRATIONS James Graham PRODUCER, PRE-PRODUCTION Rebecca Fallowfield PRODUC E R Gemma Sharp e original styling by S 刊 0 冊 8 DESIGN produced for DK by COBALT 冊 ART EDITORS D arren Bland , Paul Reid EDITORS Ri chard GiIbert , Diana Loxley, Sarah TomIey, Marek WaIisiewicz First published in Great Britain in 2014 by Dorling Kindersley Limited, 80 Strand, London, WC2R ORL A Penguin Random House Company 8 10 9 019 ー 192364 ー Feb/2014 Copyright ◎ 2014 Dorling Kindersley Limited AII rights reserved. NO part Of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system , or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission Of the copyright owners. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. ISBN: 978 ー 1 ー 4093 ー 4126 ー 0 Printed and bound in China Discover more WWW. dk. C01れ